Expression of Interest

Name (*)
Please let us know your name.
Contact Number (*)
Email Address (*)
Please let us know your email address.
Physical Address (*)
Physical Address
In which exact area are you interested in operating a Monkey Magic Franchise? (*)
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Age (*)
Invalid Input
ID Number (*)
Please insert a valid ID number!
Marital Status (*)

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Number of Children
Invalid Input
Ages of Children (*)
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Do you have a criminal record? (*)

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Why do you want to get involved in the functions business? (*)
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What work are you currently doing? (*)
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What amount of monthly income do you intend to earn through this business? (*)
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How many hours per week do you intend to spend on Monkey Magic? (*)
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How would you run the operation? (e.g. Would you employ staff etc.?) (*)
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Please supply some basic information regarding your financial background. (*)
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Do you have any formal qualifications? If yes, please detail. (*)
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Will you have your own cell phone and computer with access to internet and email? (*)

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Are you fit and healthy? The function business involves physical activity. (*)

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How do you intend to finance your Monkey Magic business venture? (*)
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Do you enjoy marketing and have good communication and organizational skills? (*)
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Are you creative? (*)
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When would you ideally like to begin with your Monkey Magic Franchise? (*)
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Please complete the following (*) Please complete the following
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